It has been a thrilling weekend at our little acreage. First, we got our seeds started in our outdoor starter box. There isn't much to see at this point, but maybe by next weekend we'll have some shoots to show off.
In the meantime, check this out! Our first asparagus shoot! We're hoping that there will be many, many more.

The rhubarb is also doing nicely. We have four separate patches. I can taste the pie...

Finally, Brian and I took a trip north to attend a hunter's safety course this morning. As some of you may remember, last fall Brian was denied a hunting license for small game because he hadn't taken such a course. It appears that these courses are only offered in the spring here, so we took the opportunity to sit through the 10 hour course (in a very cold building on extremely uncomfortable chairs with about 20 12-year olds). Nonetheless, we've done our time and there will be pheasant hunting this fall! (Well, not by me personally, but I'll be happy to go out with Brian and help handle the dogs.)