We're having a blizzard in Iowa today. Brian is stuck at work and will be until Friday. The community college where I work is closed, so the pups and I are enjoying a snow day. It would be more fun if Brian was here, but he's safe and sound at a hotel in town. I would prefer to have him safe than have him attempting to make the commute home.
Mattie's pretty happy that I'm home
and that she's an indoor dog.

Though she and Dawson would like to be playing out in the snow. With 50 mph winds I told her "not today". Maybe tomorrow if the college is closed again and the winds calm down they can help me shovel the driveway so I can get my car out. Currently it is in the middle of a very large snowdrift that extends the entire length of the driveway.

The living room windows.

What it looks like from the porch door. This is our back shed.

Thankfully we didn't lose power, so we have water, lights, and heat. Hopefully things will be cleaned up by the weekend.