Monday, September 24, 2012

Creamers' Field

Today Brian and I took our crew for a walk at Creamers Field. The temperature is unseasonably warm and we wanted to make sure we enjoyed what might be our last nice weekend of the year.

The dogs were very happy to be out and about.
 We had Philip's stroller, but he was sure he should walk most of the way. This made for a very slow pace. But it was great practice for him!
 And he's finally walking on his own! He sure isn't a baby anymore.

Funnies with Grandpa

Mom and Dad Platt come down to visit this weekend (briefly) and stayed in our guest room. This morning (Sunday), Dad introduced Philip to the funny pages.
 Important life lessons, right?

Wood Family Visit 2012!

At the end of the summer some of our best friends in the whole world came to visit- the Woods! We spent a lot of our time hanging out in Valdez. It took us much longer to get there and back, but there was a lot of fun had once we arrived.

The Wood kiddos enjoyed the puddles. There are always puddles in Valdez.

Ryan and Louise rockin' the Outback like true Alaskans.

We hauled down 4-wheelers, which contributed to the amount of time it look to get to and from our destination.
The boys got acquainted with a box at the Whitney museum at PWSCC.
Wood family photo with a moose.
Down at the Valdez dock.
4-wheeling adventure.
Beautiful day!
Philip is still a little too little for 4-wheeling.
Black bear feasting on salmon.

On the Lu-Lu Bell in Prince William Sound.
Columbia Glacier.
The rockstar couple!
Thanks Mom Platt for watching the kids!
Ice, Ice, Baby.
At the UAF Botanical Garden.
Playing in the sluice-box. Hours of fun!

Getting HotLicks before the Woods head to the airport.
Driving lessons.
Final rides with Dad.

Until next time...THANKS FOR COMING!!!!!!!