Monday, May 26, 2008

We bought a farm!

Brian and I traveled to Iowa this weekend to look for a house...and we found one! Not just a house, but an entire farm! We're pretty excited, especially because I'll have a place for chickens and the dogs will have plenty of room to run and explore. The house is in Badger, Iowa (right outside of Fort Dodge) and sits on about 8 acres. You can see the entire property by clicking here to see the real estate listing. Below are a few photos that we took. The first is a photo that the sellers had on display showing the entire property (I took a photo of it with my camera that came out pretty good!). Make sure to notice the huge chicken coop in the bottom left corner. I also included a shot of the property from a distance (yup, in the middle of corn fields), a photo of the kitchen (my favorite part), the awesome wooden entryway/mudroom, seperate sunporch, and the barn. Brian has big plans to purchase a tractor to keep the fields in check.

We had a great time in Fort Dodge and are eager to start our new adventure. We'll leave on June 10th or 11th and will close on this property on June 19th. Brian starts work on the 23rd. Lots to do!


April @ Sewing Novice said...
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laura said...

you bought the farm, eh? hopefully literally and not figuratively. :P

anyway, congrats, this is very exciting! see you in a week!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Looks great! What an adventure! Fresh eggs coming up! Aunt Sharon

jenrust said...

Photo's of hens, roosters, and Brian on a tractor - Oh My!

Very exciting news! Congratulations guys! Keep us all updated on the Move - I will be watching!

Tim and Faith said...

i love it!! i'm a bit envious of this new adventure - chickens and all!