Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A walk though Dolliver State Park

A few weeks ago Brian and I took the dogs too the pups for a walk at Dolliver State Park outside of Fort Dodge. It was a very nice, quiet afternoon. Here are some highlights. It was an overcast day and we had to cut our hike short when it started to rain. We had a good time none-the-less.

A new bridge that Dawson was pretty sure he didn't want to cross.

The path.Mattie looking stoic and Dawson looking goofy on a big rock. Par for the course in regards to dog personality. A whitetail that the dogs really wanted to chase. Okay, Brian, maybe it was a good idea that we kept them on leashes (there was an ongoing discussion...).


Anthony said...

Pretty! I'd have let them chase the deer, since they'd not get anywhere near her. Though I suppose it depends on how soon they'd give up on the chase. It would certainly be good exercise, though!

Hope said...

Agreed, Anthony. Its all about getting the dogs back. Who knows how far they'd run!