Friday, April 29, 2011

Bath Time

Today Philip got his first bath at home. Here was the setup on the kitchen counter.He was so snugly, it seemed mean to wake him up.
The bath was slightly traumatic. Look how small Philip's hands are compared to his father's. All was forgiven after he was dry and warm. Ahhh....the smell of a baby after bath time. A joy!

Heading Home Photos

Philip was born on Monday, 4/25. We were able to go home on Wednesday, 4/27. Philip wore a little outfit that said "Rock Star". Brian's pretty sure that Philip is going to grow up to be a drummer in a band, so the outfit seemed appropriate. Philip was a happy camper after we got him dressed. Ready for his next adventure! Though he wasn't so much a fan of the carseat. There were some tears shed, but he eventually settled in for the 1.5 hour car ride home. He was good most of the ride home.

Cute, isn't he? We were happy to be heading home, but sad to be leaving the wonderful staff at Mary Greely Medical Center. They offered us amazing, amazing care. It was well worth the drive and they gave Philip a wonderful start on life!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Nothing fancy about this post, just some pics of the new kid in town, Philip Scott Bickmeier. Born on April 25, 2011. He is 6lbs 150z and 20 inches long.