Philip was born on Monday, 4/25. We were able to go home on Wednesday, 4/27. Philip wore a little outfit that said "Rock Star". Brian's pretty sure that Philip is going to grow up to be a drummer in a band, so the outfit seemed appropriate. Philip was a happy camper after we got him dressed. Ready for his next adventure!

Though he wasn't so much a fan of the
carseat. There were some tears shed, but he eventually settled in for the 1.5 hour car ride home. He was good most of the ride home.

Cute, isn't he? We were happy to be heading home, but sad to be leaving the wonderful staff at
Mary Greely Medical Center. They offered us amazing, amazing care. It was well worth the drive and they gave Philip a wonderful start on life!
I remember leaving the hospital with Danny for the first time. He was so tiny we had to fold a towel up for him to sit on so he could fit in his car seat. Now he's so tall he can reach into my makeup drawer and steal the brushes. Criminy.
very happy to hear your hospital experience was positive!
I agree with Laura! Lillian is looking over my shoulder and saying "hello, baby" and waving. :-D
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