Thursday, July 28, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Philip and I are hoping that the heat with break sometime this week so we can start going for walks again. Our running stroller is collecting dust!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Rolling Over!
Here's Philip's newest trick- rolling over! He rolled over at about 10 weeks, though it took me a few days to actually record him doing it. He HATES being on his tummy, so I think that encouraged him to figure out how to roll over. Smart kid.
Hanging out with the Bickmeiers
Baylor Wiener Roast
The beanbag toss is a favorite.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Bickmeier/Rust Summer Visitors!
The kiddos had fun catching fireflies (and were expects at it by the time they left). Here's Luke showing off his catch.
And Cate investigating her firefly lantern.
Cate with her mom Jennifer. I think this picture shows how much alike they look alike.
We had to take the family to Rustix in Humbolt, IA for a pork tenderloin sandwiches. We've tried to take Jeff and Laura before, but always seemed to be foiled. We finally made it this time, but didn't see the pork tenderloin on the menu. Thankfully the chef made an exception. (Phew! Brian thought he might be tarred and feathered if we couldn't actually get them).
Jeff and Brian washed their sandwiches down with a big beer.Karl had his first big beer too!
Here's a picture of all the cousins together- Caleb, Philip, Cate, Ada, Luke, and Karl. Not all smiles, but all together. :)
Caleb did a great job holding baby Philip. They were buddies.
The Bickmeiers are avid croquet players. Unfortunately things got a little heated and Jeff and Jason had to battle each other.
After the battle was over Laura led the way to the Fort Dodge Fort Museum. This is a picture of our sticker pass to get into the museum (which is a series of small historic houses in addition to the fort itself and a nice display of antique items from the area).
The gang getting started to go through some of the houses. Jason, Jeff, Karl, Patsy, Laura, Jennifer, Brian, and Philip (in the stroller).
Caleb got to see what a one room school house looks like.
And the kiddos got to ride this blue horse.
Caleb poses for a photo for his mom through the window. I caught him from the inside of the building.
The Boston Bicks- ready to go!
Karl's a cutie with his rosey cheeks.
The kids got a little rowdy, so they were put into the county jailhouse at the museum.
Patsy enjoyed the whole family being together.
Most photos from the Wiener Roast to follow!