Friday, September 30, 2011

Not looking like a little baby anymore

I took these photos of Philip yesterday and when I was looking back through them I thought, "Wow he doesn't look like a little baby anymore."
His hair is still really light, but he's getting more of it. Can you tell?
Still the same, sweet expressions. Reminds me of my brother Seth.
Except when he gets sick of having his photo taken. Then he turns into an angry lion baby. How's this for a snarl?

Dinner with Daddy

Generally Brian isn't home to feed Philip, but he managed to get a day off earlier this week. So, I thought the two of them should bond over carrots. Philip was skeptical.
"Mom, is it okay if I take food from this guy?"

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Guess who's 5 months!

5 months ago we welcomed Philip Scott into our lives. The time since has been joy-filled!

I've been taking a lot of photos of Philip lately, trying to work on lighting and such. I'm hoping during my time as a stay-at-home mom that my photography skills will improve. This is pretty easy to do when you have a cute test subject for photos. I don't know what it is about kiddos in hoods (and bear ears), but it makes my heart melt. Thus, I couldn't resist taking some snapshots of Philip is this outfit. 
Honestly, he always looks this happy! He's a content kiddo. Unless he can't get his fist in his mouth, then he gets somewhat grumpy.
 Don't think those blue eyes are going anywhere.
 Cute, cute, cute.
 Next stop- 6 months (and Alaska)!

Goodnight Moon (and Philip)

Most nights Philip likes us to read "Goodnight Moon" to him. He gets all calm and settled in to listen.
I snapped a couple of photos of him and Brian in this evening ritual. Even though Philip is so much bigger then when he was born, he still looks small on Brian's lap. Brian isn't home much these days, so Philip gets pretty excited when they get to spend time together.
Goodnight Philip.  

What happens when Brian works too many hours...

You all know that Brian has been working crazy hours for the last few months. When he got home the other evening I asked him to change the baby's diaper so I could finish dinner. This is how Philip was returned to me. Yes, that his onesie snapped over his pants. Raise your hand if you think Brian needs a day off.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Trailer for the move- check!

Today we headed to southern Iowa to pick up a trailer for our move back to Alaska. This trailer is 20 feet long and will hopefully hold Brian's jeep, the 4-wheeler, snow blower, and lawn tractor. Brian says it will hold "future jeep carcasses" when we finally get settled into Alaska. We'll see about that. I think one (non-running) jeep on our property is quite enough.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A study of Dawson

I'm finding time these days to play with my camera, especially with aperture and shutter speed. Dawson was my subject this evening. This photo was taken in amazingly low light. I love my Canon Rebel!

It was a green bean kind of day

I'm loving using my baby bullet (baby food maker). It makes making organic food for Philip quick, easy, and inexpensive. Tonight's selection was green beans. I didn't think Philip would be too impressive, but he loved them!
...although you wouldn't know it by his expression. I know he looks a little washed out- I've been playing with the light settings on my camera.
Sometimes we try to eat more than the food offered. Bibs are great to chew on between bites.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Philip's first solid food!

Sweet Potatoes for our little Sweetie!