I think we will forever remember 2011 as the "Year of Change" for us. Not necessarily tons of changes, just some major ones. For starters, I might have called you crazy if last New Years you told me I would be posting a year later back in Alaska. Or at least that we would make the move in November. Now THAT was crazy (and not by choice).
Anyway, Brian and I made a list of the
biggest changes that occurred in 2011.
In no particular order (except #1):
1. Welcome Philip! This handsome little guy has made 2011 extra special. And look how much he's changed in just 8 months! Lots of growing and learning. I think he's going to make 2012 extra special too.
Philip Scott: Day 1
Philip Scott: (almost) 8 months
2. I become a stay-at-home mom. The opportunity was a blessing, though I have missed my work and not having a daily routine. I wouldn't trade my time with little Philip for anything, but I am excited about returning to work the first week in January. Philip's at an age where I think he'll thrive spending a few days a week in daycare
and spending more 1-on-1 time with his dad. Good luck Brian!
3. Brian completed his B.A. degree in Business Management from Buena Vista University. Congrats, Brian! I still don't know how he managed to fit in all of his school work and hundreds and hundreds of over time hours. I guess what we can say is "Phew, glad that's over." We're so proud of him!

4. We sold our house in Iowa (THANK GOODNESS) and moved back to Alaska- in November. We were sad to leave this house (after all, it was Philip's first home), but were excited to be heading North. We enjoyed our time in Iowa for the most part, except for the wind, blizzards, horrible work schedules, intense humidity, and dog injuries. On a positive note we met lots of interesting people, made a few close friends, got to know Brian's Midwestern family, did plenty of gardening, attempted to raise bees, antiqued, picked lots of apples, the dogs ate lots of apples, and Brian found a few old jeeps in need of a loving home. So the good certainly outweighed the bad, but I think Brian and I both agree that Alaska was beckoning for our return.
And now that we're back we are NEVER MOVING again! (Well, except into a house we plan to buy next summer...)
5. We ditched Chevy SUVs and became believes in Subaru. So now we look like everyone else in Fairbanks (especially since we replaced our Iowa plates with yellow Alaska ones). I don't understand, however, why with so many Subarus in the arctic, the temperature gauge only goes to -22F. So, in my mind, the temperature when I'm driving around is never below that mark. Ha! Take THAT Fairbanks winter!
6. We arrived in Iowa with 2 perfectly healthy, young labs and unfortunately returned to Alaska with only one in good health, Dawson. Mattie tore her ACL last spring and had to have surgery. She hasn't been quite the same since and as I write this post she's walking around on 3 legs, having injured her other back leg. She's going back in for a second surgery in a few weeks. Poor pup. We're hoping 2012 is her year to return to good health. Fingers crossed (and wallet opened).
Alright, 2012, let's see what you've got! In the meantime, we wish our blog readers a happy and healthy New Year!