Today was a daddy daycare day. When I asked Brian this morning what he and Philip were going to do for the day, Brian said Philip needed winter boots and he was going to take him to Prospector. Apparently when Philip rides in Brian's truck, his feet get cold (because the truck is parked outside and it has been 40 or 50-below for weeks and weeks).
So, today Philip got his first pair of Sorel winter boots. Philip wasn't in the mood to model them before he went to bed, so Brian's picking up the slack.
They have plenty of tread for when he's tromping through the snow, snowmachining with his dad. Aren't they adorable? They're a little big, but there's still plenty of winter to go and he's continuing to get bigger everyday.
I love that Brian's so thoughtful and that the boys are out and about during the day having adventures!
Nice boots. In IOWA you don't need snow boots. 50's and 60's this week.
Love Aunt Jean
So cute!
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