Here are some happy dog photos from this past weekend. We had some chilly weather last week, but this week seems to be making up for it with 90 degree days. These are the days that the dogs love swimming trips.

Per usual, Dawson watching from the shoreline as Mattie does all the work.

Oh yeah, and here's a (very unflattering) photo of Brian showing off his farmer's tan. (He's at work tonight, bit I figure I'll hear about this post tomorrow.)
Brian is still the second hottest guy I know.
I had been working for 4 hours on the jeep in the sun. I was a sweaty burnt to a crisp person. Except for all the places that I was fish belly white.
I think that's the tannest I've ever seen you! Remember when you fell asleep on your side in the sun at Balint's house in Hungary? Good times...
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