Sunday, October 31, 2010

Not much to report...

There isn't much happening here to report. The weather has been cool- not much about 30 in the mornings, but we haven't seen snow yet. I'm starting to feel better (I'll be at 15 weeks in a few days) and have some energy back, which is great because I've also started teaching an evening college class- Organizational Communication Theory & Practice. Guess that Master's degree came in handy after all. The class meets two nights a week from 8:10-10:45 pm, so I'm pretty tired after all the prep work, working all day, and then instructing. My free time has been limited to say the least (hence the lack of blogging). The extra funds will come in handy to buy baby furniture after the first of the year, I think. I've heard something or other about kids being more expensive then dogs...


jenrust said...

yay! blog post! BTW.. .glad you are feeling better. We have been thinking of you!

Ryan + Louise said...

Wonder Woman. Just saying. We are thinking happy thoughts about Baby Bickmeier! I just got back from a long weekend in DC with Meredith and co. Spent most of the time making food so she doesn't have to cook for a while. Which is exactly what I'm going to do when I come out to Iowa next spring..... :)