Monday, October 11, 2010

We're expecting!

The exciting news of the week is that we're expecting April 27th! First ultrasound was done last week and everything looks good. I'm heading into the second trimester, hoping that my queasiness will subside. And get this- it looks like there's only one. Go figure.


Tim and Faith said...

Hope and Brian-
That is GREAT news and I couldn't be more happy for you guys!!

Anthony said...

Congratulations! Hope things go well (the second trimester is usually much better!).

jenrust said...

Three cheers! (can be heard from oregon... ) The little rusts are excited for another new cousin!

Joel and Katy said...

YAY!!!! Congratulations!! I was just thinking about you guys the other day and how awesome you would be as parents. I'm so excited for you!

Ryan + Louise said...

We can't wait! The boys can't wait! I'm already sitting on my suitcases.